
The new Dutch government has yet to answer some large challenges on aviation policy
273 days after the general elections (a national record), a new coalition government is

COP26: Gathering comprehensive information for sustainable aviation policy
In the past year sustainable aviation has been going from talk to walk, or

Ruud Ummels on his role within ACI-Europe
In early November 2021, I was re-elected for a second 3-year term to represent

The UN Climate Change Conference
Aviation is of course, an industry, but at the same time, it is a

Air Law & Sustainability
On Monday 15 November 2021, Steven Truxal, Leiden’s incoming Professor of air and space

Aviation Organizations are stepping up: ATAG, IATA and ACI agree to Net Zero Carbon by 2050
Just 6 years ago it seemed as if the aviation sector had wrestled its

Developing your Airport Net Zero Carbon Roadmap
Climate action is one of the key priorities on the airport agendas. Since 2008,

Capacity assessments, another application of Fast-Time Simulation
In previous blogs we have discussed how Fast-Time Simulation is a very useful tool

Make terminal operations more efficient for both passengers and airports
The airport terminal, as the essential passenger facility at airports, is crucial in the

FRIEND or FOE: Off-the-Shelf Software for CAAs
To achieve synchronisation in the aviation business around the globe, National Civil Aviation Authorities

Adjusting Airspace Classifications to Adapt to Emerging Airspace Users
When airspace volumes were originally created and designed, we only had to contend with

Is outer space really the free for all that some think it is?
Following the successful first space tourism flights by the Virgin Galactic and Amazon Blue